The jury of the 11th GIN-UAH Graphic Humor Competition, convened by the GIN Foundation, the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humor (IQH) of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá (FGUA) and the Vice-Rector's Office for Research of the University of Alcalá (UAH) has already announced the prizes for the three categories of this eleventh edition.
This year's theme revolved around "Caring for both physical and mental health".
In total, more than 1,000 works from more than 65 countries have been received.
Category Professional:
2nd prize: Aleksandr Zudin, Russia
Category Amateurs:
1st prize: Roberto Castillo Rodríguez, Cuba
2nd prize: Efat Amjadipoor, Iran
Category UAH:
1st prize: Ángel Luis González Lahoz
2nd prize: Antonio García Herráiz