Egypt Cartoon
Winners of The 23rd Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem, Belgium
Theme "Chances and Opportunities"
2311 cartoons from 714 cartoonists from 80 countries.
First Prize Marilena Nardi - Italy
Second Prize: Jerzy Gluszek - Poland | |
Thrid Prize: Muammer Olcay - Turkey |
Best Entry of the EU: Alessandro Gatto - Italy |
Best Belgian Entry: Constantin Sunnerberg - Belgium |
Prize of the ECC: Alexander Sergeev - Russia |
Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mentions: Mojtaba Heidarpanah - Iran - COVER AWARD |
Honorable Mentions: Davoud Housmand Taghiabad - Iran
Honorable Mentions: Zbigniew Wozniak - Poland