
XXI Biennial of Cartoon Humor and Satire, Slovakia 2021


Egypt Cartoon .. XXI Biennial of Cartoon Humor and Satire, Slovakia 2021

Radio and Television — on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Slovak Television and the 95th anniversary of Slovak Radio 
30. 06. 2021 
- Each author can participate in the competition with a maximum of three works that have not been awarded in other competitions. 
- The competition is open to everyone. The method of artistic execution is not limited.
- The works should not exceed the A3 format. 
- The competition is non-anonymous. Each drawing must be marked on its back with the name and the full address of the author 
- The submitted drawings will not be returned to the authors but will become the property of the Municipal Cultural Centre in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Works are to be delivered by post to the address:
Mestské kultúrne stredisko, Hviezdoslavova 4,
915 01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia, 
or electronically: 
- The file name must match the following pattern:
A4 horizontal or vertical, resolution 300 DPI, format JPG, TIFF.
- If you have submitted your work electronically and it will be awarded a prize, you will be asked to send the original drawing to the organizer within one month of the announcement of the results of the competition to the address of the Municipal Cultural Centre (see above). 
1. prize Golden Novomestský osteň and 500 €
2. prize Silver Novomestský osteň and 300 €
3. prize Bronze Novomestský osteň and 200 €
- Material and financial prizes are awarded at the ceremonial opening of the Novomestský osteň exhibition which will take place in September 2021 (the exact date will be published in time). In the case you will not be able to participate in person, the prizes will be sent to you. 
- The jury of the competition reserves the right not to award any of the above mentioned prizes, or to award 10 honorable mentions or other special prizes. The jury’s decision is final. 
- By participating in the competition, the participant confirms that he or she is the author of the works and agrees that the organizer of the competition has the right to publish the drawings on the Internet or in other media and also to use them in any other way without restriction. 
- By submitting the works, the author declares that the organizer of the competition has the right to reproduce copies free of charge for publication in electronic means, in printed media and other sources without further consent and rewards. 
- Entries may not infringe copyright or the rights of others, may not infringe confidentiality or contain defamation or insult to any company, community or person. 
- The author sends together with the work a completed participation form which he downloads from the website and fills it in Slovak, Czech or English. 
- By sending the completed form, the author or his legal representatives agree to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of organization of the competition.
Mária Volárová, director of MsKS
Vladimír Pavlík, director of the competition
Download form
