
International Caricature Festival in Romania

Egypt Cartoon

Botoșani International Caricature Salon, Romania
first edition 2021 
Publisher HERTZOG
Botoșani International Caricature Salon 2021, 1st edition, marks 140 years since George was born Enescu, composer, violinist, pianist, conductor and pedagogue, artistic personality of genius of the twentieth century.
The motto of the Salon is the famous words of the greatb a musician born in the lands of Botosani: “I served my country with my weapons: feather, violin and wand.”
1. Theme: Enescu - the genius of Romanian music
2. Works accepted, not awarded in other competitions.
3. Number of works: 2 (two).
4. Papers in digital format will be sent by the 20th October 2021, the last day of receipt of the works, to E-mail addresses: 
5. The original works will be sent by post by:
Mihai Debelly
str. Prof. Dimitrie Pompeiu nr. 7,bl.C3,ap. 10,
6. Technical conditions:
- minimum 300 DPI, JPG format - for works sent by E-mail;
- format A 3 - for works sent by mail;
- the technique of accomplishing the works: free;
7. The original works are not returned, they remain in the patrimony of the Salon, the organizers reserving the right to use them in later edited materials (only with the mention author's name).
8. Participants must complete and submit, together with the works, the registration form, which can be found next to it, accompanied by a short CV and a personal photo or a portrait / self-portrait caricature at minimum size 6x9 cm (on paper) or 300 DPI (in digital format).
9. The winners will be announced until October 31, 2021.
10. The following prizes will be awarded:
First prize: 500 Euro
Second prize: 300 Euro
Third prize: 200 Euro
The winners of the first three places will also take possession of the Trophy of Excellence by ARTOPOL’S ART DEBELLY.
There will be 5 more prizes of 100 euros each the members of the Cartoon Salon.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, awards, trophies excellence and participation diplomas will be issued
exclusively by mail.
13. Jury
President - Aurel Maria Baros, Secretary-General of the Union Romanian writers
Victor Bogorad - Russia
Ivailo Tsetcov - Bulgaria
Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek - Poland
Naji Benanji - Morocco
Edra Amorin - Brazil
Pedro Silva - Portugal
Rossem - Malaysia
Doru Axinte - Romania
Mihai Boboc - Romania
The judging will be done online, the jury reserving its right awarding, non-awarding or redistribution of prizes.
The jury has the latitude to establish the works / authors that can be awarded by any sponsors, associations, media, institutions, companies commercial, private persons etc ... in agreement with them.
14. No participation fee is charged.
15.Staff of the Salon
Director - Mihai Debelly
Coordinator - Radu Iațcu-iatzco
Secretary - Ioan Serediuc
Additional relations: Salon Press Office
Mihai Debelly - Director of the Salon
Phone 0040758185411 WhatsApp
Radu Iațcu-iatzco - coordinator
Phone: 00 40 722 83 11 22
Ioan Serediuc - secretary
Phone 0040744809832


Egypt Cartoon .. the registration form
