
Open Call for Posters "Child Rights" in Turkey


Open Call for Posters "Child Rights" in Turkey

In the 20th century, globalized society and concepts that facilitate human life such as technology, social and cultural opportunities have developed. In this process of human existence and struggle for life, the changing face of society and the visibility of social problems have increased. In line with these developments, especially in the late 20th century, great social changes have begun in the name of human rights. Working conditions, the protection of children's and women's rights, and the success of minority movements brought about by racist and religious oppression also laid the foundations of humanitarian law in this period. Until the 21st century, great struggles are still being waged in society for the rights of women and children.

Speaking of children's rights... Why do we need to defend the rights of a child?
But is this possible for every child? How long can children remain children in lands dominated by war, poverty and misery? However, we have said that a child should always be and remain a child everywhere; while one child is playing in the park, another should not be looking for a slice of bread in the garbage. While one child receives the best education safely with his/her family, another should not be sold to another family in a wedding dress. 

Today, while thousands of children are still deprived of their right to education, while children in Gaza are struggling with war and dying, while a wedding dress is deemed worthy of a girl child, and while there is still talk of child laborers, our biggest struggle should be the defense and protection of their rights.

As Giresun University Görele Faculty of Fine Arts Graphic Design Department, we have been aiming to emphasize the importance of equal rights and freedoms of individuals in society for years with the design exhibitions we have been organizing. In line with these goals, we aim to convey your messages about 'children's rights', which is one of the biggest problems not only in our society but also in the world, through design. Because we believe that art and design are the strongest and most innocent language to express social problems.

On this path we set out on, we invite all designers to participate in our exhibition with their designs in the name of 'protecting and defending children's rights'. Because every message to be given today will be a struggle for children's equal living conditions and right to life.

Terms and conditions
1. Participation to the exhibition is free and open to everyone.
2. Each designer can apply with a maximum of 1 design.
3. Applications will be made only by e-mail to, No other applications will be accepted.
4. Poster designs can be made with any technique. The works to be sent via e-mail must be 50x70 cm. in size, 300 dpi resolution and JPEG format. 
5. The language of the design to be sent should only be ENGLISH. 
6. Designs should not contain any logo, institution name or commercial image. Images that damage or target any institution or person should not be used. In addition, designs that contain elements of insult, anger, etc. will not be evaluated. 
7. The designs submitted to the exhibition must be original and must not have been published elsewhere before.
8. The designs will be evaluated online by the jury members. As a result of the evaluation, the 'list of works to be exhibited' will be announced on the website on the specified dates; no further e-mail notification or announcement will be made regarding the works that are not deemed suitable for evaluation.
9. Designs submitted after the deadline will not be evaluated.
10. The naming of the relevant files will be done as in the example below: The name of the submitted design must include the name and surname of the designer. 
Ex: Name Surname.jpeg
11. The designs will be exhibited at Giresun Can Akengin Art Gallery and online at ... between 20- 27 November 2024. 
12. In addition, 50 works selected by the organizing committee will be exhibited in physical environment. There will be no work limit in the online environment.
13. All exhibited works will be included in the archive of Giresun University Görele Faculty of Fine Arts. The works will be used in the catalog of the current exhibition, social media, etc. channels. 
14. The prints of the works to be exhibited in physical environment will be taken by us and then all works will be kept in the archive of Giresun University Görele Faculty of Fine Arts.
15. A digital participation certificate and digital catalog will be published on the exhibition website for all designers whose works are accepted.

Important Dates:
Application Start Date: September 10, 2024
Application Deadline: November 10, 2024
Jury Evaluation Dates: November 13 - 15, 2024
Announcement of Selected Design on the Website: November 16, 2024
Exhibition Start Date: November 20, 2024
Exhibition End Date: November 27, 2024
