The Green Crescent organizes the International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest to raise awareness and draw the attention of people in the world, in our country, and particularly young people to addictions.
- The 8th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest is being organized with the theme "One Person Gambles, Everyone Loses".
- The deadline for submissions is set for January 19, 2025.
The jury composed:
Yasin Erol, Yeşilay Secretary General.
Prof. Dr. Peyami Çelikcan, Member of the Scientific Committee.
Ahmet Öztürklevent, Cartoonist.
Cemile Ağaç Yıldırım, Illustrator Artist- Painter.
Özcan Çalışkan, Event Unit Manager of Green Crescent and Cartoonist.
Fethi Gürcan Mermertaş, Cartoonist.
Şevket Yalaz, Cartoonist.
Hamed Mortazavi Alavi, Cartoonist and Winner of 8th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest.