1- Theme
Pro Castello di Caneva promotes the International Contest Caneva Ride! (Caneva Laughs!) for humorous and satirical cartoons on the theme "Love is blind".
2- Participation
- Participants can apply individually or in groups (if there are several authors, a referent for all communications with the contest promoters should be indicated).
3- Techniques
- The
contestants may send up to three unpublished works, realized by using
any technique, color or black and white, which haven’t been awarded in
other contests.
- The maximum format should be A4 (21 X 29.7 cm).
4- Terms and Deadline
The works should be sent to: canevaridecontest@gmail.com
- No later than midnight of 15 June 2025, in one of the following formats:.jpg,.tiff or.pdf, with a resolution of 300 dpi, together with the registration form
including personal data (first name, last name, full address, telephone
number; if the contestant is under the age of 18, the name of a parent
authorizing the participation needs to be added).
- The individual files should not exceed the weight of 5 MB.
- If more than one work is submitted, please send them one at a time.
5- Jury
Lido Contemori, Satirical cartoonist - President of the Jury
Davide Perin, Pro Castello – Caneva
Mario Zorzetto, Heirs Toni Zampol
Vicenzo Bottecchia, Cultural Comics Operator
Domenico Florio, Photographer.
6- Awards
🥇 First Prize: 600,00 euro
🥈 Second Prize: 250,00 euro
🥉 Third Prize: 150,00 euro
- The amounts are to be considered pre-tax applied by the country of origin.
- The Jury reserves the right to point out further works, which will not receive cash prizes.
- During the exhibitions of the works, it will be possible for visitors to indicate their favorite.
The authors participating in the competition will transfer to Pro
Castello the non-exclusive right to publish their works on any support
for promotional purposes, without claiming copyrights.
- The prizes will be paid out by September 2025.
7- Exhibition
The opening of the exhibition and the prize giving ceremony will be held on Saturday 5 July 2025, at Villa Frova, Caneva.