
Deadline Extended.. 2nd International Exhibition of Graphic Humor LEA, Greece


2nd International Exhibition of Graphic Humor LEA, Greece

The XVII LEA Festival is pleased to invite you to the 2nd LEA International Exhibition of Graphic Humor, to be held in Athens from June 10th to July 17th, 2025 at the premises of the Cervantes Institute of Athens.
A. Participation
The competition is open to all cartoonists worldwide, over 18 years of age, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education.
B. Graphic Humor Theme:
"The book as a reflection between cultures".
C. Works and Shipping
Send by e-mail to the following address:
- Each participant can send a maximum of 1 work in digital format to the e-mail address 
- Size (A4 21×29,5 cm, up to 300 dpi, JPEG, maximum length per work is 3 MB; works larger than 3 MB will not be opened).
- In the name of the file, the author’s name and nationality must be included.
- The following information must be included in the mail: name, address, e-mail and a brief CV of 100 words (.doc format, NOT PDF).
- Condensed zip, rar, etc. files WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Graphic humor works that are not named as requested will be automatically discarded.
- Graphic humor works must not have been previously awarded.
- Only drawings will be accepted, not combined with photographs.
- Submissions that have passed the pre-selection will be published immediately on our event’s networks.D. Fecha Límite
D. Deadline
The deadline for registration is March 20, 2025.
E. Prizes and Awards
🥇 First prize: Trip to Mexico to the International Book Fair of Guadalajara 2025 within the framework of the Encuentro Internacional de Caricatura e Historieta EICH and CUAAD: Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Guadalajara- Jalisco- Mexico (all expenses paid). 
🥈 Second prize: 500 euros donated by the Instituto Quevedo de las Artes del Humor of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá, Spain. 
🥉 Third prize: Diploma.
F. Exhibition
The exhibition will be held in Athens, Greece, at the Cervantes Institute of Athens from June 10th to July 17th, 2025.
G. Catalog
All participants will be able to download the catalog in PDF format from our website.
H. Other Conditions
The organizers reserve the right to use the works for various purposes without obligation of compensation. The works will be included in the archive portal and permanent exhibition. The exhibition will have an itinerant character and will be taken to various places in the country, the Ibero-American and other countries.
By submitting works, the authors accept these rules.
• Participation in this contest is voluntary and free of charge.
• All participants must be of legal age.
• Works that do not comply with the conditions specified in these rules or that are offensive, offensive, discriminatory, or promote racial, ethnic or religious hatred will not be admitted to the contest.
• Each author shall send only one A4-sized work.
• By participating in the contest, each author accepts the free transfer of the submitted works to the organizer and confirms that he/she is the author of the submitted works and that his/her submission to the contest does not infringe the rights of third parties.
• The submission of the work authorizes the LEA contest to use the images in exhibitions, publications, social networks and platforms or formats where the promotion of the event is required.
• The specified deadline for submitting the work may be modified in favor of the participants and extended without the need to modify these rules. The organizer will notify the participants of the change of deadline.
• When judging the works, the jury will take into account, in particular, the artistic value of the drawing, its accuracy in the interpretation of the theme and its humorous aspect.
• If the organizer, co-organizer or members of the jury, after or before the awarding of the prizes indicated in the regulations, receive information that the work submitted to the competition constitutes plagiarism or violates the law or the provisions of these regulations, the organizer has the right to:  – Suspend the prize or the awarding of the prize until such doubts are clarified. – Take the decision not to award a prize in the contest.
• The winner of the second prize must be the same titular of the bank account in which the prize will be deposited.
By participating in the competition, the entrant declares that he/she holds all copyrights to the submitted work and that the work does not infringe any personal rights, copyrights or other rights of third parties. In case of claims related to the submitted work, the participant releases the organizer from any obligation arising in this respect, agrees to join the organizer in disputes related thereto and will cover the costs incurred by the organizer in connection with third party claims related to the contest work.
The organizer reserves the right to modify these regulations:
- In case of modification of the relevant legal provisions.
- In emergency situations that could not be foreseen in advance.
- In each case for the benefit of the participants.
The organizer is not responsible for the provision of incorrect or false data by the participants, which may prevent the prize from being sent.
The LEA Festival is organized by the non-profit company LEA Festival Intercultural Development and the Cervantes Institute of Athens.
The organization of the LEA Graphic Humor Exhibition is in charge of the non-profit company LEA Festival Intercultural Development in collaboration with Encuentro Internacional de Caricatura e Historieta EICH and CUAAD: Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Guadalajara-Jalisco-México and the Instituto Quevedo de las artes del Humor IQH of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares-España UAH.
The main venue for the exhibition is Cervantes Institute of Athens and the curator of the exhibition is the Colombian-Spanish cartoonist Adriana Mosquera (Nani).
The LEA Festival, since its foundation, counts with the collaboration of the Embassies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela and the Honorary Consulate of Colombia in Athens.
The LEA Festival is the only major cultural event in Greece with a Hellenic-Latin American literary content. It is also one of the most outstanding literary events in the city of Athens since 2008, and has also been held since 2012 on the island of Lefkada; finally, since 2022 it has also taken place in Halkida, Nafplio, Thessaloniki and Crete.
Lena Matsiori - +30 697 2997338
Miguel Samothrakis - +30 6936 918471
LEA: +30 210 985 9682
