
XXXIII International Satire and Humor Festival "City of Trento" 2025


XXXIII International Satire and Humor Festival "City of Trento" 2025

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Studio d’Arte Andromeda announces the XXXIII International Festival of Satire and Humor "City of Trento".
- The contest will identify three winning artworks for the satire/humor/illustration category (A) and one in the comics category (B).
- For each category there will be a cash prize.
- The jury will also select approximately 150 artworks that will form an exhibition that will be inaugurated in the course of 2025.

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The participation to the contest is free and opened to Italian and international artists from the age of 16.

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Every artist must register by filling and sending, with the artworks, the form attached to the last page of this document.
Each author can send a maximum of three artworks, with the possibility to join both categories, as long as it’s specified in the form.
The artworks must be in A4 or A3 (vertical or horizontal) and be sent in JPG or TIFF format with resolution of 300 dpi.

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Every artist joining the contest takes responsibility for the originality of the artworks and declares to be their authors, relieving the Organization from possible requests of reimbursement coming, at any scale, from thirds.
Artworks that are made with AI are not admitted in the contest. The Jury has the chance to take back any prize in case the selected artwork proves to be made with AI or in the case it has been awarded in other competitions.
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The artworks will be judged by a jury made of members of Studio d’Arte Andromeda and personalities of the world of satire, comics and illustration.
The decisions of the jury are unquestionable.

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The results of the jury selection will be announced to the participants via email.

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From all the artworks received will be selected three winners for the satire/humor/illustration category and one for the comics category.
For the satire/humor/illustration category there will be a First Prize of the amount of 1.000 €, a Second Prize of 500 € and a Third Prize of 300 €.
For the comics category there will be a First Prize of the amount of 500 €.
The jury will also signal seven artworks for the satire/humor/illustration category and two for the comics category.
The jury has the possibility of assigning special mentions to worthy artworks.
The jury will also award the Alessandro Alfonsi Special Prize of the amount of 300€, in honor of our friend and member who prematurely passed away. 
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For the final exhibition, the Organization will print at its own expenses every panel of the artworks selected from the jury.

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The authors, joining the contest, give to the organization the non exclusive right for
printing the artworks on any support to promote the Festival.
The Organization commits to quote every artist’s name in each case.
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The participation to the contest implies the approval of all the rules included in this document.

Invisible is not only what we do not see, but often what we do not want to look at.
Who are they, where are they and how many are the invisibles in the world?
From children to the elderly, the invisibles are distributed in all age groups. According to UNICEF: “About 150 million children in the world remain without a legal identity, deprived of fundamental rights and vulnerable to serious forms of discrimination and abuse.” These children work in the most degrading conditions, beg exploited by gangmasters, are abandoned on the streets.
The invisibles are among us and not only in the most exploited and degraded regions of the world, but also in our glittering cities and sometimes not only we do not see them, but their presence bothers us so much that some municipal administrations take measures to clean up the “good living rooms” of the cities by removing the homeless and the marginalized.
Why are there the invisibles? The most common causes that lead to the invisible universe are being left without a job or home or without relationships like many elderly people, subjected to drug addiction, health problems, migration without welcome.
No one knows exactly how many there are, but if we look at the reports of humanitarian organizations we find ever-increasing data.

1 June 2025

The contest is opened to Italian and international artists from the age of 16. Each artist can send maximum three artworks, not awarded or selected in other contests.

A) Satire/Humor - max 3 artworks.
B) Comics - max 3 artworks (each artwork con be made of one or two pages).

The artworks must be sent in A4/A3 format and be sent at
Minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in JPG o TIFF.

Images sent by email must not be over 5MB, for bigger files use

🥇 First Prize:     1.000,00 €
🥈 Second Prize: 500,00 €
🥉 Third Prize:    300,00 €

🥇 First Prize: 500,00 €

300,00 €

The award ceremony and exhibition will be held in the course of 2025.
XXXII International Satire and Humor Festival "City of Trento" 2023
